Whole-Body Vibration Exercise and Vibration Training Prevents Falls for Older Adults

With a growing older adult population, balance, stability and the prevalence of falls leading to serious injury are becoming a real concern that needs a universal solution. 33% of people ages 65 and over fall at least once each year causing injury. These falls are the leading cause of death for this age group and have become a serious issue. Forty percent of these falls that cause serious injury, involve broken or fractured hips and 50% of these cause permanent damage in which the patient never regains full functional ability.

As we get older muscles become weaker, bones lose density and become brittle and balance and coordination is greatly diminished. As these problems get worse there is a compounding effect. The weaker one becomes the less active they become, the less active they become the faster these problems accelerate causing more inactivity. This compounding effect leads to a drastic increase in falls and the injuries resulting from them.

Physical condition such as weak muscles, low stamina, reflex & coordination reduction and bone strength has a great impact on the likelihood of a falling incident. Unfortunately, it more common today that adults suffering from these effects are given prescription drugs than put on a fitness program. Research shows that prescription drugs have a direct connection with increased falls in these adults. (see Figure 1 below)

Studies show that 20% of men and women 65 years and over did not even know the cause of their falls, inhibiting them from seeking preventative treatment. Osteoporosis effects over 43 million Americans, most of which are female (68%). Preventative treatment is critical to this age group to maintain an active, safe and healthy lifestyle.

A Better Way - Treatment Without Drugs

Since the studies show that prescription drugs are not the best answer to this problem, what is the alternative?

Whole-body Vibration Training has been around for decades but only recently has it entered North America and been used by Doctors, Therapists and trainers. In the past 15 years hundreds of research studies have been done on the technology in regards to bone loss prevention, muscle building, balance and agility improvement, increase of beneficial hormones and metabolism and weight-loss just to name a few. Many Doctors have embraced the technology as a very effective healthy alternative to prescription drugs, which they believe are not the best answer.

Some of the research was done at University of Miami, Miami VA Medical Center Geriatrics Research Center, State University of New York, University of Texas, NASA, McMaster University, and published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Journal of Musculoskeletal Interactions. In fact over 800 medical research reports have now been published by researchers from all over the USA, Canada and Europe.

To begin let's first examine what whole body vibration is and how it works.

How Whole Body Vibration Training and Vibration Exercise Works

There are two prominent types of WBV platforms on the market, each operating by a different means and having unique characteristics:<$2Fp>

1. Tri-angular Oscillating vibration platforms move vertically and horizontally in an see-saw type motion, moving from 1 to 10 mm. Most common type
2. Tri-planar platforms vibrate vertically and horizontally only about 1 to 4mm. More for sports training

Vibration exercise machines create involuntary muscle contractions known as the "stretch reflex". As the platform moves down the tendon is stretched and then is involuntarily contracted. As the platform moves up to the original position the movement is repeated. This happens very rapidly and up to 30 times a second or 30Hz meaning that 35 muscle contractions are elicited every second. Vibration levels vary between 5 and 30Hz and the workout lasts up to 20 minutes long.

Vibration Exercise Training is a type of resistance training but done without the use of weights and does not stress the joints as in traditional exercise training. Force is applied via "acceleration" instead of "heavy weights" and the stress associated with them.

The Impact of Strength and Balance

It is clear that there is a direct relationship between strength and balance which is why older people who are weaker, are more prone to falls. Research shows that knee strength alone is responsible for 40% of a persons balance and agility. This is an important factor among the older population with osteoarthritis. A study done on this group concluded that as strength increased, the odds for falls decreased significantly indicating a strong relationship existed between lower-body strength and balance and agility. Even small increases in muscle strength had a major impact on balance and falls.

Vibration Exercise is very effective at working these muscles and is effective for the prevention of falls in older adults. Vibration Fitness is even effective on very frail individuals who have difficulty exercising.

Strength and Power in Older Adults

Strength gains with Vibration Exercise have been fantastic and studies show an impressive gain of 18% in the chair rising test in adults over 60, which is standing from a sitting position only using your legs.

Common injuries such as hip fractures are often caused by falls and although regular exercise is the most effective preventative measure many older people are unable to exercise effectively to build muscle strength. Vibration exercise machines have been shown to effectively build muscle strength, preventing falls and injury in older adults.

In many cases people have problems sticking to a fitness program due to fatigue or simply losing interest. Research shows that people are much more attracted to whole-body vibration and actually stick with it than traditional exercise. The main attractions were:

1. Fast and effective
2. Can do it at home (many disliked going to a gym)
3. Invigorating workout, more energetic
4. Like the way they feel after
5. More enjoyable than traditional exercise
6. Therapeutic, helped joint pain, etc.
7. Very safe, didn't worry about injury

Whole-body vibration exercise has been shown to increase strength equivalent to that observed with traditional resistance training, especially in older adults, without the risk of injury that resistance training can have.

Summarizing Vibration Exercise Machine Research

This review of the research on Vibration Exercise Machines concludes the following:

1. Vibration Exercise is effective at increasing strength, power and fitness.
2. Vibration Exercise improves balance and agility.
3. Vibration Fitness is effective at building bone mass.
4. Whole-body Vibration Exercise can decrease the risk of falls and injury in older adults.
5. Vibration Exercise has a positive effect on balance and postural control, especially among those with low fitness levels.
6. Vibration training appears to be safe, with very few side effects.
7. The usage rates over time for Vibration Exercise are very high.

Prolapsed Uterus - Your Treatment Options

A prolapsed uterus occurs when a woman's pelvic organs slip out of place due to the weakening of the muscles and ligaments that support it. There are numerous risk factors that can contribute to this condition, including menopause, obesity, and multiple pregnancies. The types of uterine prolapse depend on its severity.

This is a very common disease as studies have shown that about half of all women over the age of 50 suffer from it. With that said, it is important to try to take the necessary steps to avoid it, as well as know and understand your options for treatment if you have it.

Mentioned in the succeeding paragraphs are the different methods for treating uterine prolapse. Note that this is simply a guide to help you weigh your options, it is still best to consult your physician before making the final decision.

Kegel Exercises. In cases where the uterine prolapse is not severe and the uterus has not completely fallen into the vaginal cavity, most doctnrs would instruct patient to practice Kegels in order to reverse the effects of the condition. Kegel exercises are done to improve the muscle tone by strengthening the pubococcygeus muscles of the pelvic floor.

To do them, the woman has to first locate her PC muscle. Once she has established where they are, she just has to squeeze them as hard as she can and hold it for a count of 3-5 seconds. The repetitions and length of holding them should increase as she progresses in order to build the muscle's strength.

Medication. At times, medicine can suffice in curing a prolapsed uterus. In women who are in the menopausal stage, estrogen levels are significantly decreased, as the body no longer produces it. This results in the weakening of the muscles in the pelvic region. Estrogen replacement therapy can reverse this. However, specialists note that this kind of treatment may not be permanent as there are chances that women who are already suffering from uterine prolapse may develop other types of prolapse as well, and medication may not solve those types.

Pessaries. A pessary is a plastic ring that may be placed within the vagina in order to support the pelvic organs. This is considered as the number one alternative for those patients who do not want or cannot undergo surgery. There are some risks, however, in the use of a pessary as it may lead to pelvic discomfort, bleeding, and vaginal ulceration. It is also necessary for the pessary to be removed, cleaned, and reinserted at regular intervals.

Physical Therapy. There are two types of physical therapy that can be utilized in order to treat a uterine prolapse. The first is electrical stimulation. This procedure requires your doctor to apply small electrical currents to certain muscles in your vagina, causing them to contract and in turn, strengthens them.

The other option is called biofeedback wherein as the patient performs pelvic floor exercises a sensor monitors your muscle contractions to determine if they positively affect the PC muscles.

Hysterectomy. This surgical procedure involves the removal of the uterus, commonly performed by a gynecologist. It is the most frequently performed gynecological surgical procedure and the success rate is considerably high. This could be the final option for you if you have suffered from a complete uterine prolapse, where your uterus has begun to protrude from your vaginal opening. This is also the most common option for women who are postmenopausal or are no longer considering getting pregnant.